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While clothing can be a personal preference, we recommend you wear anything you are comfortable with and can make moves with flexibility. Leggings, shirts, and blouses are great and work well. Regular Fit Jeans can also go with.

Shoes – Different dance forms can require various combinations, and some dance forms require heels. However, in the early lesson, we suggest you wear comfortable flat shoes such as leisure trainers. If further special shoes are required, we will notify you.

The dance package totally varies according to several factors: how proficient you want to be, which dances you want to learn, the number of days and weeks in your dance schedule, etc.

We are committed to making you learn to dance with ease rather than making it a business. Our pricings are definitely worthy of what skill we provide you.

The number of classes or the time needed will depend on how many dances & which dance you want to learn. It also depends on how proficient you wish to become in each dance, your speed, and your ability to learn. However, you will feel the difference in your first lesson!